Who's Who...
Clergy Team
The Turton Moorland Team Ministry is part of the Manchester Diocese and comprises four parishes:
St Anne’s, Turton with St James, Edgworth,
and Christ Church, Walmsley with St Andrew, Bromley Cross.
Team Rector: In Vacancy
Reverend Chris Jamieson is the OLM based at St. Peter’s Belmont.
Lay Team
The Parochial Church Council (the executive committee of a Church of England parish) consists of clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with representatives of the laity.
Church Wardens – Joyce Armstrong and Chris Sutcliffe
Deputy Wardens –Carol Carr, Sam Dale, Bryan Goodall, Karen Greenhalgh, Margaret Heaton, Tom Heaton, Ruth Scorah, Don Taylor
PCC Secretary – Carol Carr
PCC Members – Joyce Armstrong, Carol Carr, Sam Dale, Katie Eckersley, Bryan Goodall, Jo Haslam, David Houghton, Matthew Pearson, Mark Pearson, Chris Sutcliffe, Don Taylor, Sue Usher Nicola Waring.
Treasurer – Mark Pearson
St Maxentius C of E (VA) Primary School – New Heys Way, Bradshaw BL2 4AE 01204 333106
We are proud of our strong links with our day school.
The church is also represented on the school’s governing body and many school children are enrolled in Sunday School, act as Servers and are involved with some of the church’s associated organisations.
Little Church in the Vestry (for ages 0 – 4): Jo Haslam –01204 598128 meet 9.30 am every Sunday for chidren’s worship and then join us in church for the Eucharist, apart from the first Sunday of the month which is an All age Service and they join us in church for the whole service. -Jo Haslam –01204 598128
16th Rainbows: meet Tuesdays 6 pm – 7 pm at Day School (term time only) Mandy Tidy 01204 307670 or Emma Barlow 01706 360483
16th Brownies: meet Thursdays 6.30 pm – 8 pm at Day School (term time only) Emma Barlow 01706 360483
37th Brownies: meet Mondays 6.15 pm – 7.45 pm at Day School (term time only) Nicola Waring 01204 306280
Mothers’ Union: meet second Tuesday in the month at 2pm in church – June Lowe – 01204 302362 & Alison Greaves – 01204 527302
Choir: practice every Thursday 7.30 pm in the Vestry – Matthew Pearson 01204 594073
Flowers in Church: Vicki Moss – 07528 393777
Magazine: —Joyce Armstrong—[email protected] or 01204 413055
Turton Youth Church:— Jo Haslam – meetings as announced–07872 993104 [email protected]