The funeral of a loved one acknowledges the closing of a human life on earth. A church funeral service is an opportunity for family and friends to gather in a parish church to express their grief, give thanks to God and celebrate a life that has completed its journey through this life, and to commend the soul of the departed into God’s eternal keeping.
A funeral service conducted at St Maxentius can be very short and quiet with only a few members of a family present, or an occasion of great solemnity with music, hymns, a eulogy offered by one of the mourners, the inclusion of favourite readings, and a full church. It is also possible for the body of the deceased to lie in church the night before a funeral service, and for a Requiem Eucharist to be held as part of the funeral ceremony.
Normally arrangements for funerals are made by your Funeral Director but we are happy to speak to families direct as well.
For more information on burials and interments of cremated remains, please contact Chris Sutcliffe, the Team Administrator:
Mobile: 07458 332893
Please be aware that the Team Office is only staffed part-time – please leave a message and we will respond as soon as we are able.
Email: [email protected]
Please see our Graveyard Policy in Church for further details.